The websites I visited were very interesting. I think that they are polar opposites, and I respect both of the authors' opinions. I think that people are inclined to feel whatever they feel and should be able to share it. I think that these anti-war sentiments are not shown in the news as often as pro-war sentiments, because I think the majority of people would disagree with them; therefore causing the news station/show to lose ratings and viewers. I think that the lack of support and loss of viewers would be the main reason for these anti-war voices not being more present in the media. Obscure websites are often products of someone's creativity and are not monitored and regulated to the same extent that mainstream websites would be. This means that a person can post whatever they please, at their leisure, rather than having to get an idea approved, write it, pass it along to an editor, pass whatever revisions they deem fit, send it to post, have a final check, and then publish it. An independent author can do this entire process on their own and not have to adjust their ideas to fit any sort of rule.

As a culture, I think that the idea of being anti-war is seen as being disrespectful to those who have fought and sacrificed for our rights. I am a patriotic person, my family is patriotic, and we support our troops. I have had many family members and friends serve in the military. I understand that freedom is not free-it is a gift that was bestowed upon us.

I grew up with a grandfather and uncle who had fought in wars. I was taught by my mother to open doors for veterans, thank them for their service, and pay for their meals occasionally. I spearheaded a Veteran's breakfast event at my high school, waking up at 5 am and serving homemade breakfast to hundreds of veterans in the morning. I think because of my years of running this breakfast and my family connections I have supreme respect for those who have fought for us. Many people feel the same as me, and so I do not think that the idea of anti-war would be a popular sentiment in the media. 

I do respect all opinions though, and just because I have my own opinion based on my experience does not mean it is right. I believe everyone should be able to share their opinions and have a platform to do so, so long as it doesn't hurt others.


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