Privacy...The Problem with Posting!

 The Internet and social media entirely undermined everyone’s ability to be private. Growing up in the social media age my parents always taught me that what you share once it’s never completely gone. This is incredibly true. I began to learn about how companies will track you, and all of your information, and sell it to people, and I was disgusted. I think it is ridiculous that people have to go to such incredibly extreme lengths to be able to protect their privacy. I believe that social media, while I use it and enjoy it, poses a threat to all of our privacy. Then again, I believe most things do. 

In fact, after this class ends I plan on deleting these blog posts because I do not like having my opinion Google-a-ble. I think that while the invasion of privacy that social media and the Internet can cause is terrifying, there are also steps to minimize this. 

I think it’s important to keep kids off of social media for a very long time until they learn the significance of their actions. As many celebrities have seen, posting a stupid comment 20 years in the past, can throw a person's entire career down the drain. There are a lot of benefits with social media and the Internet but I truly am very cautious with it because of privacy issues.

All is not lost though! People can take certain steps to minimize the amount of information that is out there about them. For example, people can opt-out of social media, use an alternative email instead of Gmail, opt-out of data sharing services, and turn off their Siri on their phone. While these things may seem small, they can make a big impact.


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